Dental Implant

About The Treatment

What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are a fix replacement tooth roots that is to support an artificial tooth like structure. It is another way to replace missing teeth. Success rate of dental implants are about 98% and with proper care it can last for a very long time. They are designed to mimic the function of your original tooth root, as they are much more comfortable because they do not slip or move when eating.

Am I suitable for Dental Implant?
Individuals who has missing teeth and adequate jaw bone density are often candidates for the procedure. Best candidates are those not suffering from any medical illnesses. Those having diabetes, cholesterol, heart diseases are required to have a full medical check up to assess your condition before the any conclusion.

We have been providing dental implants from single to multiple tooth restorations, as our dentist will perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine your candidacy for dental implants. Our clinic provide dental implant subang jaya area, and we have been practicing for many years.

Remarks From Dr. Jon

If Dental Implants are suitable for your condition, we do always recommend dental implant. However, if any case they are not suitable, our doctors will fully explain to you the other alternatives best for your treatment. Our doctors have years of experience and you will have a full understanding before the treatment starts. The common alternatives to replace missing tooth are bridges or dentures.


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