By: Smileway Dental

Fluoride is a mineral that keeps helps protect your teeth from decay by strengthens your enamel. Unfortunately, there a lot of myth surrounding the use of fluoride. Keep reading to separate facts and myths of fluoride.


  • Fluoride strengthening your enamel

– reducing the rate of teeth decay.

  • Fluoride prevent tooth decay

– fluoride helps prevent this process by making your enamel resistant to demineralization

  • It is recognized as a public health achievement

– According to the Centre of Disease Control, water fluoridation was recognized as one of the 10 greatest public health achievement on the 20 century. This mineral has dramatically reduced the occurrence and severity of tooth decay in communities.


  • Fluoride is dangerous for children

– Fluoride help strengthen your child enamel, making their teeth less susceptible to decay 

  • Fluoride is not natural

– Its naturally found in all water supplies at some concentration. It’s also occur naturally in the rock, mineral and certain food.

  • Flouridated water does not work 

– It’s not only helps to strengthen your teeth but can also prevent future teeth decay and loss.

In Smileway Dental Clinic Malaysia we take care of your smile because we believe in “Creating Smiles That Matters” in your life. Take care everyone. To know more about fluoride facts and myths, do not hesitate to contact us and get an appointment for a consultation.

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