How To Maintain Your Toothbrush Properly

By: Smileway Dental

How to Properly Care for your Toothbrush
When you go to the dentist you often are taught how to brush and floss your teeth as well as how often. What you don’t hear as much is how to take care of your toothbrush so that it can do its job, protecting your teeth. Here are some things you can do to keep your toothbrush clean and ready to tackle its job.

Don’t use too much pressure when brushing.
Brushing your teeth with a lot of pressure is not just bad for your teeth. (This can damage the enamel that is meant to protect your teeth and provide a way for bacteria to eat at your teeth.) It can be bad for your toothbrush as well. When you put a lot of pressure on your toothbrush, it causes the bristles to bend and become misshapen. Your toothbrush is less effective when the bristles get out of shape.

Place your brush under running tap water after brushing.
You need to rinse off any extra toothpaste and bacteria that got on your toothbrush off of it before you put it away. This keeps the bacteria from growing and re-entering your mouth the next time you brush. You may have heard of a fancy sanitizer for cleaning toothbrushes or other remedies, but these are unnecessary and some are even harmful. A rinse under the tap is all your toothbrush needs.

In Smileway Dental Clinic Subang Jaya and Smileway Dental Clinic Setapak we take care of your smile because we believe in “Creating Smiles That Matters” in your life. Take care everyone. To know more about tips of Properly Care for your Toothbrush, do not hesitate to contact us and get an appointment for a consultation.

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