How to eat comfortably even if you have dental braces

By: Smileway Dental

1. Stick to soft foods

2. Avoid crunchy or sticky that can damage brackets

3. Cut food into pieces

4. Take smaller bites

5. Eat slowly and chew carefully

6. Don’t bite into things like burritos, apples, or corn on the cob

7. Chew with your back teeth

8. Use pain relievers to reduce sensitivite 


You might notice that your teeth don’t seem to fit together the way they used to. That feeling can make chewing feel awkward, and if your brackets are irritating your cheeks and lips at the same time, the best thing you can do is to eat slowly and carefully.


In Smileway Dental Clinic Subang Jaya and Smileway Dental Clinic Setapak we take care of your smile because we believe in “Creating Smiles That Matters” in your life. Take care everyone. Toknow more about How to eat comfortably even if you have dental braces,do not hesitate to contact us and get an appointment for a consultation.


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