Characteristics of Tongue

By: Smileway Dental

There are some interesting facts about the tongue

* It is made up of eight muscles.

* Tongues are four inches long on average.

* The color of a person’s tongue tells a story.

* Those bumps on your tongue are not taste buds.

* There are taste buds all over the tongue.

* There are thousands of taste buds on a person’s tongue.

* It can twist and roll.

* A short tongue can be due to attachment of connective tissue called the frenum holding the tongue back

* Taste of food is detected based on the location of the food on the tongue. Anterior 1/3rd of tongue detects sweetness. Middle 1/3rd detects saltiness. Posterior 1/3rd detects sourness. And the middle posterior portion detects bitterness.

In Smileway Dental Clinic USJ and Smileway Dental Clinic Setapak we take care of your smile because we believe in “Creating Smiles That Matters” in your life. Take care everyone. To know more about our tougue, do not hesitate to contact us and get an appointment for a consultation.

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