There is some food that can’t be eaten when you have braces. Choosing the right food will make you comfortable with braces. You can still eat most food but the important is you need to clean the teeth properly after eating because food can easily get stuck in braces. The following foods should be avoided with braces :-
Most nuts are hard and can dislodge bracket and break wires. Ground and flaked nuts are fine to eat.
Soft drink
High sugar drink can cause decay. It is best to avoid sugary drinks with braces. The sugar can stay on the teeth causing them to stain which can be more noticeable after the braces come off.
Sticky food
Sticky food like caramel, taffy, toffee, gummy candy or chewing gum. Sticky food are not good for braces. They can pull brackets and ligature loose, bend or break wires.
Popcorn often contains hard pieces in the centre that can damages braces.
Hard fruits/vegetables (such as raw carrots, apples, pears)
However, these foods can be eaten when prepared properly. For example, steam carrots until they soft or cut apple into slice so they can chew with the back teeth.
Meat on the bones
Eating any meat from the bones should be avoid.
Large food
Putting a large food item or too much food into your mouth all at once can cause problem with your braces. Its advisable to take small bites of food to decrease your risk of damaging your braces.
Chewing gum
Once it get stuck in the grooves of the bracket and around the wire, its difficult to get out.
In Smileway Dental Clinic USJ and Smileway Dental Clinic Setapak we take care of your smile because we believe in “Creating Smiles That Matters” in your life. Take care everyone. To know more about tips of braces, do not hesitate to contact us and get an appointment for a consultation.