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Sometimes have you ever wonder why we do the things we do? And why do we repeatedly do the things we do in life? Why we continue to practice our daily needs in life? Well, this is because in our past, when we were young, we were thought to practice in the way we think it would be in normal lives. And since it is repeatedly being practiced it is programmed in our heads to do it automatically, meaning sub consciously. For example, you would greet at the person when the other person has greeted you first, you would smile back at the person who smiles back at you, you would wake up in the morning and brush your teeth, some of us would listen to music to relax before we can sleep, and many more.
You see, habits takes time to build on. What ever it is, bad or good habits, they build through time. Some bad habits would be drinking excessively, smoking, stealing, and harming others. Good habits would be like, good diet, regular exercise, good hygiene practice, sleeping early, and many more. So the habits in ourselves depends on the things we do in our lives. It is in our own minds and our own lives to control what you want to achieve in life, what you desire most, and your goals. We believe in good habits, and believe that good habits can be built, improved, and passed on to others. Continuously doing the things you do every day in our lives will build on the habit. Just like Aristotle said:
”We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
As many years in the dentistry field, I still see a lot of people with multiple diseases in their mouth. Some of them can be treated with just simple procedures, while others may be more complicated. If you want to keep your body and teeth healthy, it is good to build good oral hygiene habits.
Some of these good habits you can consider to build on. It is very important to brush your teeth, floss and even use the mouthwash to rinse your mouth twice a day. Consider having an apple a day, or having more fruits. After all they say “An Apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Visit your dentist at least once a year for a dental check up, best if you can visit them twice every year. This is because there are so many disease in our mouth that can harm our body system. Even though you believe that you have nothing wrong with your mouth, it is still recommend to have a check up. Diseases in our mouth do not happen immediately, and they build through time. Have a dental check up regularly, your dentist can detect early signs of disease in your mouth, and take the necessary steps to prevent it. Diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, all can cause your gums and teeth to have lots of problems, and vice versa.