Kenapa Perlu Cuci Gigi?

By: Smileway Dental

– Cuci gigi amat penting pada kita semua bagi tujuan membuang karang gigi dan plak yang melekat pada gigi dan juga membersih karat gigi yang ada pada gigi. Karat gigi juga terjadi dari kesan minum kopi, teh atau hisap rokok. Sebab itulah amat penting pada kita semua untuk cuci gigi 6 atau 8 bulan atau sekurangnya sekali setiap tahun untuk mendapat senyuman yang menarik.

– Terdapat beberapa kesan selepas cuci gigi,gigi tegang dan rasa ngilu. Keadaan ini terjadi disebabkan akar gigi yang terbuka selepas cuci gigi kerana sebelum ini tertutup oleh karang gigi. Selepas cuci gigi mestilah menjaga kebersihan gigi agar tidak kembali terjadi karang gigi lagi.

-Membersihkan karang gigi yang melekat pada bahagian belakang gigi yang agak susah untuk diberus mengunakan berus gigi. Biasanya sisa sisa makanan yang bercampur dengan air liur dan darah menjadi keras dan melekat pada gigi ini menyebabkan terjadinya karang gigi. Mengelak dari penyakit gusi dengan membuang karang gigi boleh menghindari dari gusi bengkak atau menjadi merah dan berdarah.ini terjadi disebabkan sisa makanan yang tidak dibersih dengan betul.

-Berus Gigi
-Chekup setiap 6-8 bulan setiap tahun
-Floss dua kali sehari pagi dan malam selepas makan
-Sebelum tidur gosok gigi
-Selepas minum kopi atau teh bilas dengan minum air suam

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chewwah lim
chewwah lim
Very good service πŸ‘
Lam Kun Fong
Lam Kun Fong
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Chris Liew
Chris Liew
Thank to Dr.Lisa, she really gave me what I’m inspired all this while. Thank you,Dr.Lisa and the team.
Annie Hoong
Annie Hoong
very appreciate to dr Lisa , she very patient handle my sons slowly and explain to him a to z. Kids very comfortable w her. The way she handle kids very soft nice doctor. Will visit in future
NaRei CaEg
NaRei CaEg
highly recommend smileway dental klinik in usj21 subang i am patient here for so many years bcoz of their excellent service and helpful staff. they were willing to slot me in bcoz of my gum pain without appointment really appreciate thank u Dr jon and dr belinda πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Mohd Ainul
Mohd Ainul
I recently had an appointment at Smileway Dental Clinic to address a persistent dental issue that had been causing me considerable discomfort. From the moment I walked in, the atmosphere of the clinic was warm and welcoming, which helped to alleviate some of my anxiety. Dr. Lisa took the time to listen to my concerns and thoroughly explain the procedure to me, which helped to alleviate my fears. Her calming demeanour and gentle approach immediately put me at ease. The surgery itself was surprisingly painless, thanks to Dr. Lisa's expertise and skillful technique. She was incredibly patient and attentive throughout the entire procedure, constantly checking in to make sure I was comfortable and pain-free. Overall, my experience at Smileway Dental Clinic was nothing short of exceptional. Dr. Lisa and her team exceeded my expectations in every way, providing me with top-notch dental care in a compassionate and supportive environment. I highly recommend Smileway Dental Clinic to anyone in need of dental services, especially those who may be anxious or fearful about visiting the dentist.
Ritzza Kushairy
Ritzza Kushairy
Love the atmosphere and the consistency. Keep it up!
Sanober Alam
Sanober Alam
Dr Lisa is surely someone who is a really sweet doctor and will surely try to understand your problem. It’s is a good clinic! Thank you
luffy 93
luffy 93
good dentist..Dr.Lisa did my scaling..after scaling my teeth is cleaner compared to my previous dental clinic..recommended..will come again..πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

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