By: Smileway Dental

Beautiful smile comes from healthy and well – nourished gums. Healthy gums can be achieved by good oral hygiene practice and regular check up with your dentist. Somehow, there are so many of us still do not practice good oral hygiene which further result in prolong progression of gum disease. Gum disease contains several stages starting from gingivitis which is the inflammation of gums which can lead to severe inflammation which is advanced periodontitis.

Grade 1: Healthy Gums
Healthy gums can be seen with pale pink appearance, no presence of bleeding when flossing, brushing or probing. Client usually have no issue of foul smell breath. There is also no presence of calculus on the surface of teeth and no bone loss.

Grade 2: Early Gingivitis
Bacteria starts to build – up causing gingivitis. At this stage, the signs and symptoms are barely noticeable by the patient as they tend to not be able to sense the discomfort as gingivitis only affects soft tissue of the gums. However, the symptoms can be detected by bright pink and swollen of gums, complaint of slight bleeding when flossing, brushing and probing and little gaps between the teeth and gum. Patient also might presence with bad breath and complain of having metallic taste as well. Minimal amount of calculus also can be seen on the surface of the teeth.

Grade 3: Early Periodontitis / Untreated Gingivitis
As the gingivitis remain untreated, the progression of inflammation causes by bacterial invasion becomes more violent as it causes the gum to pull away from the teeth that further forms periodontal pockets. Unremoved calculus deposits become extended which can cause slight bone loss due to insufficient nutrients supply.

Grade 4: Moderate Periodontitis
The progression become more severe as the gums appear more swollen and calculus extends down to the root of the teeth. This leads to 25% – 50% of bone loss and possible tooth mobility. Patient will have persistent bad breath, complain of pain and having difficulty to chew due to this problem.

Grade 5: Advanced Periodontitis
Yellowish fluid called periodontal abscess starts to form beneath the gums that leads to increasing possibility of bone loss due to poor attachment of gums. At this stage, the condition of the teeth might be irreversible. However, further treatment should be given by referring this case to Periodontist (Gum specialist).

In Smileway Dental Clinic Subang Jaya and Smileway Dental Clinic Setapak we take care of your smile because we believe in “Creating Smiles That Matters” in your life. Take care everyone. To know more about tips of Properly Care for your Toothbrush, do not hesitate to contact us and get an appointment for a consultation.

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