How Mental Health does affect your Oral Health?

Mental and oral health are interrelated. Patients with mental health problems often demonstrate the inability to take care of their physical health including oral health, or often struggle to regularly maintaining it. This in turn affects their self-esteem and self-appreciation, affecting their overall health. Patients with critical mental illnesses are at higher risk of oral […]

How to Stop Grinding Teeth

How to Stop Grinding Teeth What is Grinding Teeth (Bruxism) Grinding teeth or the specific name is Bruxism (BRUK-siz-um) is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. If you have griding teeth (bruxism), you may unconsciously clench your teeth when you’re awake (awake bruxism) or clench or grind them during sleep […]

Is Teeth Grinding Can Ruin Our Smile?

There is a saying that “Smile is the best accessories that everyone can wear”, but how can we achieve that best smile for everyone if we happened to have unpleasant teeth not because of our teeth are crooked, or not aligned but because some of our teeth are flattened. What is the cause of having […]

How To Handle Sensitive Teeth

WHAT CAUSES TEETH SENSITIVITY – Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. It can cause sharp temporary pain to certain stimuli, such as hot and cold. When the protective enamel layer is worn out, tubules in the underlying layer of teeth (dentin) emit signals to the pulp which […]

Good Oral Health During Pregnancy

Being pregnant comes with many responsibilities and the way you care for your teeth is no exception. Although many women make it nine months with no dental discomfort, pregnancy can make some conditions worse or create new ones. For most women, routine dental visits are safe during pregnancy, but let your dental office know what month you […]

Can Chewing Gum Really Clean Your Mouth?

When it comes to chewing gum, it’s the type of gum you chew that makes a difference in whether it’s helpful or harmful to your teeth. While chewing gum containing sugar may actually increase your chances of developing a cavity, you might think that, like most candy, chewing gum can only do damage to your […]

How To Take Care of Your Braces?

Braces are one type of treatment that people choose to make their teeth look nicer. It can straighten your teeth, close gaps between your teeth and also fix crooked teeth or a misaligned bite like under bite or overbite. But wearing braces needs an absolute care. Here are the ways that will help you to […]

How To Improve Your Smile

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Every smile is unique and different, and is designed to look natural and authentic. Your natural smile complements your features and it includes the harmony of your face, gums and teeth. When you’re unhappy with your smile, it’s hard to feel confident. There […]


Elongated teeth/Supraeruption Teeth grows out of the bone and gums. They stop growing until meeting the teeth that are also emerging in the opposite arch. When a tooth is lost and not replaced, it’s opposing partner now has no opposition and begins to move downward. It loses contact with it’s neighbouring teeth on either side. […]

10 Bad Foods For Your Teeth

10 Bad Foods for Your Teeth    Since you probably know how important your oral health is for your overall wellbeing, you are probably also aware of the importance of your diet for your oral health. The saying “You are what you eat” rings truer and truer and when it comes to dental health it’s even more important […]