How To Improve Your Smile

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Every smile is unique and different, and is designed to look natural and authentic. Your natural smile complements your features and it includes the harmony of your face, gums and teeth. When you’re unhappy with your smile, it’s hard to feel confident. There […]


Elongated teeth/Supraeruption Teeth grows out of the bone and gums. They stop growing until meeting the teeth that are also emerging in the opposite arch. When a tooth is lost and not replaced, it’s opposing partner now has no opposition and begins to move downward. It loses contact with it’s neighbouring teeth on either side. […]

10 Bad Foods For Your Teeth

10 Bad Foods for Your Teeth    Since you probably know how important your oral health is for your overall wellbeing, you are probably also aware of the importance of your diet for your oral health. The saying “You are what you eat” rings truer and truer and when it comes to dental health it’s even more important […]

How To Stop Bleeding Gums

In life, we are always finding ways to prevent and to solve things that comes in our way. When we have a problem, we tend to find a solution for it because if the problem doesn’t get resolved we will end up having more difficulties, which will have impact in our lives. We don’t want […]

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is needed when the root canals or pulp (the innermost layer of teeth), which houses nerves and blood vessels is inflamed or infected. The pulp can get infected with bacteria due to injury or untreated cavity. When this occurs, normal filling could not curb the problem.  Root canal treatment or RCT has […]