Kenapa Perlu Cuci Gigi?

KENAPA PERLU CUCI GIGI – Cuci gigi amat penting pada kita semua bagi tujuan membuang karang gigi dan plak yang melekat pada gigi dan juga membersih karat gigi yang ada pada gigi. Karat gigi juga terjadi dari kesan minum kopi, teh atau hisap rokok. Sebab itulah amat penting pada kita semua untuk cuci gigi 6 […]

5 Ways to Replace Your Missing Teeth

When something is broken we fix it, and if something is missing we replace it. That quote sound very familiar to a lot of us. This concept is the same as missing a tooth. When there is a missing tooth or if you have recently extracted a tooth, there are many ways to replace them. […]

Cabut Gigi Sewaktu Hamil? – Kami ada jawapan

CABUT GIGI KETIKA MENGANDUNG? Kebiasaannya untuk ibu mengandung di dalam akal fikiran masing-masing mengatakan yang ketika sedang mengandung tidak boleh cabut gigi. Sekiranya ibu-ibu mengandung mengalami sakit gigi bagaimana? Hanya biarkan sahaja sampai mereka bersalin? Secara logiknya ibu-ibu mengandung sebenarnya boleh menjalani rawatan mencabut gigi, cuma kesan daripada bius akan menyebabkan kesan yang kurang baik […]

Mouth Piercing & Dental Health

A body piercing is a piercing or puncture made in your body by a needle to express self-expressions and body art. After that, a piece of jewelry is inserted into the punctured parts of the body like tongue, nostrils, belly button, ears etc. It is now a “trend” and others considered it as “cool”. These […]

Types Of Dental Implant

As for now we all know dental Implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. This is because unlike a dental bridge, where the practitioners have to trim your adjacent teeth to support, harming the tooth structure for the prosthetic bridge. A removable denture could be uncomfortable in wearing or chewing, and takes time […]

Smoking is…?

Smoking may be legal but that doesn’t mean it’s good for us! In fact, it’s just the opposite: smoking is the only legal consumer product that kills you when you use it exactly how it’s meant to be used! That’s pretty scary, isn’t it? • The Effects of Smoking on the Body No matter how […]

Swelling Gums – Get it treated fast

Our body has their own army to fight of infections, which we call it the immune system. It is very fortunate that in normal circumstances our body will fight off bacteria and other harmful substances that harm our body, it is a normal natural process. Our body is gifted to have those. That is why […]

Creating Your Own Personal Smile

As a human being living here, we want the best for everyone and for ourselves. Most of us do not want the person to follow our footsteps but to find and create their own way, because live is interesting and should be full of different wonders. All we can do is to guide them to […]

The Healing Process

When there is an irritation to our body, our body goes through changes. It protects itself from harmful substances. Our body has its own self defense mechanism to eliminate harmful substances that has penetrated into our body system. It works very hard to get rid of bacteria or viruses that should not be in our […]

What is the best age to bring your child to the dentist?

Smileway dental clinic usj, dental usj, children dentist usj, children dental care, dental age, children dental check up, paediatric dentist, parents dental, kids dentist usj

Most parents don’t know that it is actually never too young to have your child’s first visit to their dentist. Many times, children first visit at ages 6-7. They are already afraid of their dentist by then, because all they’re used to is seeing doctors when they are not feeling well – which means yucky […]