Disinfection and Sterilisation

Disinfection and sterilization are both decontamination processes. While disinfection is the process of eliminating or reducing harmful microorganisms from inanimate objects and surfaces, sterilization is the process of killing all microorganisms Sterilizing and disinfecting the dental instruments kill the germs and bacteria, so no one else will be exposed to it. This prevents dentists from […]

Tooth Whitening

There are several methods for teeth whitening such as Home-kit whitening and in- office whitening. Home- kit whitening can be done at home while in – office whitening is done by dentist in the dental clinic. Teeth whitening or bleaching is the process of lightening color of natural teeth. Whitening is suitable if you have […]

How To Keep Your Gums Healthy

Gum disease begins when plaque accumulates below and along the gum line. Plaque is a sticky film -like material filled with bacteria. It can cause painful infections of the gums and bones, leading to gum disease and tooth decay. Plaque can also cause gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Gingivitis causes your gums to […]


COMMON CAUSES OF TOOTH DISCOLORATION Tobacco use Tobacco not only increases your chances of gum disease, it can also cause your teeth to turn yellow. Poor dental hygiene Poor dental hygiene, such as inadequate brushing or flossing, can lead to tooth discoloration The aging process As you age, your tooth enamel becomes thinner, revealing the […]

What is Sjogren’s Syndrome?

Sjogren’s syndrome is a condition which affects normal functions of specific parts of the body involved in producing fluids like tear and salivary glands. It is an autoimmune disorder. Patients with this condition experience dryness of eyes and mouth. They are unable to secrete tears when crying which requires them to express emotions with words […]


Is a removable replacement for missing teeth. There are two kinds of dentures are available ; COMPLETE & PARTIAL DENTURES However, there are two types of dentures the most common dentist will use it ; ACRYLIC & VALPAST. Acrylic Dentures ; is a type of pink plastic material. The material is moldable and can easy […]

Tooth Whitening

There are several methods for teeth whitening such as Home-kit whitening and in- office whitening. Home- kit whitening can be done at home while in – office whitening is done by dentist in the dental clinic. Teeth whitening or bleaching is the process of lightening color of natural teeth. Whitening is suitable if you have […]

Gigi Sensitif

Gejala gigi sensitif Orang yang mempunyai gigi sensitif mungkin mengalami kesakitan atau ketidakselesaan sebagai tindak balas kepada sebab tertentu. Anda mungkin merasakan kesakitan ini pada akar gigi yang terjejas. Punca yang paling biasa termasuk: 1)Makanan dan minuman panas atau sejuk. 2)Udara yang sejuk 3)Makanan dan minuman yang manis 4)Makanan dan minuman yang berasid Gejala ini […]


Sensitive teeth are a condition when teeth feel pain or discomfort in the mouth as a response to certain stimuli such as hot or cold temperature. However, sometimes it can be other factor such as tooth decay (cavities), cracked tooth or side effects of excessive teeth whitening. Sensitive teeth may cause by;- brushing too hard […]


Braces, also known as orthodontic appliances are used to align, straighten or guide the teeth to the corrected positions. Braces should be used for people who have the following teeth condition or issue: Overbite Openbite Underbite Deepbite Crooked teeth Jaw problem Over crowded teeth Misaligned teeth There are several types of braces which are: Metal […]