Glass Ionomer Cement in Dentistry (GIC)

Glass ionomer cements are a dental filling material used to fill cavities that have been cleaned and prevent food from entering the hole which causes further tooth decay. This cement can also be used to seal crowns onto natural teeth to sit the crown firmly on the tooth and prevents mobility and loosening of temporary […]

Type Of Toothbrush

Toothbrush is very important for oral health. You should know what type of toothbrush you can use which is right and suit your oral health because it will help you to clean plaque, and food stuck effectively beside can maintain your oral health properly. There are many designs of toothbrush on the market that you […]

Minor Oral Surgery and Extraction of tooth during Pregnancy

Tooth pain during pregnancy may occur due to inadequate care and brushing of teeth. Dental emergencies that occur during pregnancy should be treated if the condition shows no signs of improving. Dental X-rays during pregnancy can be taken due to low dosage of radiation paired with protective equipment such as lead aprons and targeted exposure […]


Why dental check-ups for kids are important? Children teeth are susceptible to caries and bacterial invasions. Early check-ups prevent tooth decay and dental pain. Tooth decay, swollen gums, dental pain and swelling are the few common problems children face if they are unable to take sufficient care of their teeth. During the first visit, the […]


Don’t let bad breath stop you from showing off your smile! Most bad breath starts in your mouth and there are many possible causes. They include: Food Tobacco products Poor dental hygiene Dry mouth Infection in mouth Other causes To reduce or prevent bad breath: Brush your teeth after you eat Floss at least one […]


Bad breath is basically smelly odor that comes from the oral cavity. There are a few causes of bad breath: Food – Strong odor food such as onions and garlic Tobacco products – Nicotine and other chemical substances in cigarette can cause bad breath Poor dental hygiene – Food debris and bacteria trapped in between […]


When it comes to oral health habits, many people regard flossing as an optional addition to brushing. Most dentist would recommended to floss daily in addition to brushing twice daily. Flossing is important because toothbrush is unable to clean the areas in between the teeth. Here are a few reasons why you should backup your […]

X-rays In Dentistry

To see things hidden from the naked eye or in regions that have minimal visibility. X-rays are able to capture images that are below the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. It shows not only infections but also cracks, fractures, and abnormalities without surgical exploration. This diagnostic imaging is able to show your bodies […]

Dental Filling

A filling is used to treat small cavities or holes present on a tooth surface due to bacterial or mechanical origin. Before fillings, all food debris and plaque needs to be removed for the material to stick well to tooth surface and prevent any secondary infections.   Tooth decay is damage to teeth that can […]


WHAT IS NIGHT GUARD? Night guard is a flexible plastic that we fabricate following your own tooth model to protect your teeth to avoid teeth cracking or chipping off. It will protect the enamel of your teeth and prevent tooth damage. Night guards are worn at night to stop any unconscious grinding and clenching also […]